Planet Protection Pioneers taking action to fight the Climate Crisis.

About the PEOPLE and PLANET Foundation


Fighting the Climate Crisis.

We recognize that the Climate Crisis is human caused and that we are the generation, the change generation, who must simultaneously mitigate and adapt to global warming and climate change in order to prevent the most catastrophic impacts including the possible extinction of humanity.

Equity and Justice.

We recognize that the Climate Crisis is disproportionately affecting communities that carry the least responsibility for actions that caused the crisis and we are committed to assisting in particular these communities in the fight to mitigate and adapt in order to not just survive but to thrive.

Planet Protection Pioneers.

We are hopeful that young people organized as Planet Protection Pioneers armed with knowledge, understanding and opportunities for taking action - can change the world into a better place for all, a place where people can live sustainably in harmony with each other and the planet.


Changing the World.

We recognize that changing the world begins with you + me = we and the idea that another world is possible. The future is open when we work together!

Founding Partner.

We are supported by USAgain, a clothes collection company with a triple bottom line, working for PEOPLE, for PLANET and for PROFIT.

Supporting Partners.

We accept donations from corporations, individuals and foundations to support our mission critical work of mobilizing youth to fight the Climate Crisis.